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Belgian Beer Cafe

Oostende’ is a little fishing town in the East Flanders Province of Belgium, so when The Belgian Beer Café opened in the East End of Adelaide, it was only too fitting to name it after ‘Oostende’.

With all fixtures and furniture imported from Belgium for authenticity – European oak panelling, jarrah floorboards and vintage posters and pictures on the walls, it gives you an atmosphere that is warm and cosy, making you feel like you are in a traditional Belgium bistro in the 20th Century. With the antique wood furniture and warm lighting; whether it’s an intimate dinner in the restaurant or a relaxing beer in the bar – set away from the mainstream of Rundle Street, the experience is unique.

As a part of the traditional décor, fixed on the wall is a large Belgian clock that has the time permanently set at 5 minutes to 12:00 – it was said that in Belgium, everything closed at 12:00, so the publicans then decided to have their clocks set at 11:55 so there would forever be ‘a few minutes’ before closing to get your last drinks in.

With a variety of Belgium beers on tap and many many more bottled beers, there is a beer for virtually everyone. Belgian Beer comprises some of the most diverse national collection of quality beers in the world. From your Pale Lagers to Lambics and Abbeys; to its beer brewing origins from the middle ages – Trappiste beers. The Trappiste Monasteries that brew beer in Belgium were occupied in the late 18th Century primarily by Monks fleeing the French Revolution; as a result, to this day, the Monks still brew from these ancient recipes for all the world to enjoy the tastes and history.

We also offer a superlative choice of food fare including some such dishes as the Waterzooi; a traditional seafood stew rich in flavour or a 1kg pot of our famous mussels steamed – a selection of different broths for you to choose. All served with a little French finesse and German generosity.